Adams County Public Health Orders extended an additional 30 days as the county struggles to reduce the number of COVID-19 case

COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations remain very high in Adams County after just over two weeks in Level Red. In an effort to prevent a possible “surge on surge” during the end of the year holidays, Tri-County Health Department is extending the Adams County public health order that went into effect on Nov. 7, 2020, for an additional 30 days, until January 7, 2021. The order includes a curfew for everyone except essential workers to be off all public streets from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
“With what are still the highest case rates in the Metro area, the threat of further hospitalizations and deaths is very real in Adams County. The curfew means that unless you are an essential worker or have an urgent reason to be out, everyone should be in their homes from 10 pm to 5 am. We understand that people are tired of this, but these public health measures are the roadmap for a faster and more sustainable recovery in our community without the necessity of moving to the complete Stay at Home orders that we had in the spring,” said John M. Douglas, Jr., MD, Executive Director of Tri-County Health Department. “The science is clear. There is no doubt that mask wearing, hand washing, social distancing, and limiting any small or large gatherings reduce the spread of the virus so that we can return to a strong economy and a normal life.”
Nationally, COVID-19 has taken the lives of more than 270,000 people, a number that would fill Mile High Stadium more than three times. As of December 7, 2020, there are 32,677 known positive cases in Adams County with a two-week incidence rate of 1,150/100,000 population, and a test positivity rate of 14.5%. Modeling data from the School of Public Health indicates that 2.7% of persons in Adams County are currently infected by COVID-19, presenting a substantial risk of being exposed to infection in community-based settings and personal gatherings.. In addition, hospitalization rates are steadily increasing, with a hospital admission rate of 3.1/100,000 per week as of November 30, six times higher than in early September and higher even than rates during the initial springtime surge.
“At this critical point in the pandemic we have to balance the health of our residents and our hospital system, while keeping our economy stable and people fed and housed. The newly passed $300 million relief package for Colorado residents will provide assistance for small businesses, child care, non-profits, and landlords and families,” said Emma Pinter, Adams County Commissioner and Board Chair. “While this relief package will certainly help those suffering in Colorado, it simply isn’t enough. We urgently need additional resources from the federal level.”
Adams County is currently on the “Level Red - Severe Risk” of the state’s COVID-19 dial, for counties with high levels of transmission, hospitalizations, and positivity rates. The next and final level is “Level Purple – Extreme Risk” for counties where hospital capacity is at extreme risk of being overrun. At this level, all businesses must significantly curtail in-person functions and people must stay at home except for necessary activities.
The public health order has the following restrictions:
- Spectators are prohibited at all sporting events including Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) sanctioned sporting events.
- A nighttime curfew is imposed in all public places within Adams County, including streets and public rights-of-way, from 10:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. the following day.
- During the hours of curfew, any business that is not a Critical Business, as defined in Public Health Order 20-36, must be closed to the public. Employees and individuals providing goods or services to the business are not considered members of the public for purposes of this Order.
- During the hours of curfew, all persons are prohibited from using, standing, sitting, traveling or being present on any public street or in any public place, with the following exceptions:
- Providing or accessing Necessary Activities as defined in Public Health order 20-36, except that this does not include engaging in outdoor activity;
- Providing or accessing a Critical Government Function as defined in Public Health Order 20-36;
- or accessing a Critical Business as defined in Public Health Order 20-36;
- Engaging in Necessary Travel as defined in Public Health Order 20-36
- Restaurants are limited to outdoor dining with only members of the same household. Restaurants are encouraged to place a time limit on diners in order to maximize table turnover during hours of operation.
- All alcohol beverage sales must cease at 10:00 P.M. Onsite outdoor consumption of alcohol at restaurants must cease at 8:00 P.M.
- All Non-Critical Office-Based Businesses are encouraged to further increase remote work options and reduce in-person work to the greatest extent possible.
For more information visit www.tchd.org/COVID-19