Advancing Adams – A Trio of Long-Range Plans for the Community by the Community

Adams County is launching the first phase of engagement for the Advancing Adams planning process today. This process will result in a trio of long-range master planning documents – a Comprehensive Plan, a Transportation & Mobility Plan (TMP), and a Parks, Open Space & Trails Plan (POST). These plans will guide Adams County toward the vision of becoming the most innovative and inclusive county in America for all families and businesses for the next 10-20 years and beyond.
To do this successfully, the county needs to hear from everyone in the community. While the COVID-19 pandemic has limited social interaction, it has also forced us to get creative with how community engagement happens. Now is the time to get involved virtually. There are perks to this type of collaboration. For instance, participants can attend meetings in the comfort of their home while wearing pajamas or sipping hot cocoa. A variety of opportunities will be available soon, including:
- StoryMaps & Pulse Survey: Interactive maps with multimedia content that tell the story of Adams County are coupled with a brief survey to see how residents feel about existing conditions in the county and what they want to see in the future.
- Youth Activity: A workbook with activities to walk youth through the three plan updates and allow them to provide meaningful feedback about Adams County today and tomorrow.
- Focus Groups with Stakeholders: Focused virtual meetings with technical stakeholders who have specific knowledge about topics relevant to the individual plans.
- Virtual Public Meeting: Anyone who has access to a computer, internet capabilities, or the ability to call in with their telephone will be able to attend these meetings (hosted in English and Spanish) to learn about the plan update process, ask questions, and provide feedback.
- Email Updates: Send an email to [email protected] to get signed up.
Visit advancingadams.org for more information on the planning process and to stay up to date on how to get involved. The entire Adams County community can be involved in the effort to Advance Adams into the future.