2020 Adams County Fair Canceled Due to Coronavirus Pandemic

Due to ongoing concerns regarding disease transmission in larger group settings that could result in additional outbreaks, the Adams County leadership team has made the decision to cancel the 2020 Adams County Fair. This year’s Adams County Fair would have marked the 116th year of festivities.
“The decision to cancel this year's fair weighs heavy on our hearts; however, the personal well-being and safety of our guests, participants, and community remains our highest priority,” said County Manager Raymond Gonzales. “Taking this step today will allow us to preserve the fair’s history so we can come together bigger and stronger than ever in 2021.”
During the week of the fair, which was scheduled for Aug. 5-9, organizers will explore virtual opportunities with the annual 5k run and 4-H competitions, as well as other various activities, to stay connected with the community. The 4-H staff is considering a modified approach for hosting competitions following social distancing parameters or hosting a 4-H virtual fair. As more information becomes available in the coming weeks, the 4-H staff will communicate plans with 4-H leaders, members, and families.
The Adams County Fair brings together thousands of people, crossing multiple demographics to provide affordable family entertainment, education, and enrichment. The team is thankful for the continued support from sponsors and partners.
“The impact of the fair’s cancellation will be felt far beyond the loss of our annual celebration, but we are hopeful we will make a tremendous return in 2021, bringing back all the excitement of the Adams County Fair,” said Gonzales.
Save the dates - Aug. 4-8, 2021 - for the Adams County Fair.