Commissioner Charles “Chaz” Tedesco Appointed to Colorado Aeronautical Board

Governor Jared Polis recently announced the appointment of Commissioner Charles “Chaz” Tedesco to the Colorado Aeronautical Board (CAB), through Dec. 19, 2022.
The CAB assesses the state's aviation needs and makes recommendations to the Director of the Division of Aeronautics within the Department of Transportation. Tedesco will serve as a representative of a local government that operates airports on the eastern slope.
“This is a huge honor to be appointed by Gov. Polis to serve on this Board,” said Tedesco. “Our Colorado Air and Space Port and the surrounding area is taking off and being on this Board allows us to bring forward a unique perspective that includes both air and space transportation, with the goal of connecting and growing all aeronautical industries in Colorado.”
The Board consists of seven members, was created by statute in 1988, and is responsible for aviation development in Colorado. Members of the Board represent specific statewide aviation interests. The CAB is designed as representative of both governmental and aviation-interest constituencies.
To learn more about CAB, visit the Colorado Department of Transportation’s website.