Adams County and Denver Zoo Sign Letter of Intent

Today, Adams County and Denver Zoo signed a non-binding letter of intent to establish a formal collaboration to develop concepts and programming in Adams County.
“With the Adams County Riverdale Regional Park master planning effort being complete, this collaboration will ensure stewardship of natural resources, meet recreational demands of a growing regional population, and support a study to continue the marketability and financial viability of the improvements to the regional facility and surrounding land,” said Lynn Baca, Chair of the Board of County Commissioners. “We believe this will significantly enhance the quality of life, enrich communities, and inspire our residents.”
Denver Zoo is a Scientific & Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) Tier I organization and the city’s oldest and most passionate advocate for the natural world. With the mission inspiring communities to save wildlife for future generations, Denver Zoo dedicates millions of dollars annually to zoo-led conservation and education programs aimed at protecting animals around the world.
“Denver Zoo and Adams County share many of the same values and goals,” said Bert Vescolani, President and CEO of Denver Zoo. “We both strive to inspire our community to protect our natural resources, and provide safe, accessible spaces for residents to connect with nature and wildlife. I look forward to exploring the many ways we can collaborate in the future.”
View the signed letter of intent here.