Adams County Declares State of Emergency
Due to the continued spread of COVID-19 in Colorado, and two confirmed cases in Adams County, the Board of County Commissioners has declared a state of emergency for Adams County. On Wednesday, March 18, this declaration was extended through Wednesday, March 25, On Wednesday, March 25, a second extension was added through Sunday, April 19.
The state of emergency allows the county to adjust policies as necessary to accommodate employees and their family members with flu or coronavirus symptoms and various dependent care situations.
Adjustments to county policies include, but are not limited to:
- Accommodations for symptomatic employees and/or their family members
- Accommodations for employees who need dependent care
- Alternative work schedules
- Work from home accommodations
Essential employees will continue to work as needed. County leadership will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds and make adjustments as needed.
For more information and to stay updated on how the coronavirus affects county business operations please visit the county’s website and Facebook page.
Addtional resources visit the Tri-County Health Department website or the Colorado Department of Health website.