Adams County Introduces Well Elder Program

As part of its COVID-19 emergency response and recovery strategy, Adams County has re-tooled its Senior Buddy program to the Well Elder program to further support Adams County aging adults.
The Adams County Aging Adults Services Response & Recovery Team, along with local partners, nonprofits, and stakeholders, will help support the Well Elder program. The program consists of structured, regularly scheduled calls to aging adults in Adams County. Calls will provide telephonic companion support, reassurance, resource triage, and systematic cross-agency referrals. Initial calls will build rapport and use tools to better determine client vulnerabilities, number and type of support calls, and follow-up resource referrals.
“We know from the data that aging adults are more likely to have dire outcomes from the virus,” said Adams County Commissioner Steve O’Dorisio, Chair, Aging Adult Services Response & Recovery Team. “This program allows us to reach out to our elders and offer resources to them as they stay home to avoid contracting the coronavirus.”
To initiate their participation in the program, aging adults are asked to call 303.426.4408, ext. 202, to speak to one of our volunteer supporters.
“We know this is a unique and challenging time for our aging population,” said Senior Hub Executive Director Stephanie Knight. “We simply cannot overstate the importance of supporting aging adults during this crisis.”
Residents and community partners interested in becoming a Well Elder companion support volunteer should contact Angela Caudill at 303.426.4408, ext. 202. Well Elder program volunteers include older adult peers, college students, professionals, retirees, and county volunteers.
Any person in need of Well Elder support can contact Angela Caudill or complete a Well Elder inquiry at seniorhub.org.