In an effort to remain in Level 2 of the State of Colorado’s Safer at Home Public Health Orders, Adams County is working with Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) to finalize the county’s mitigation plan to help control the spread of the virus. Recent data points suggest the county is moving in the direction of regressing to Level 3 restrictions by the State. Among other restrictions, Level 3 status would reduce restaurant capacity and potentially force fitness centers and gyms to offer only remote options.
“Fighting this pandemic has taken so much work and flexibility from all of us. Sadly, our COVID-19 positive numbers have continued to climb and have recently had a dramatic spike. We are calling on our residents and everyone in our business community to join us in reducing social events and enforcing mask mandates for customers and staff, while allowing telework options where available,” said Commissioner Emma Pinter. “We all want our businesses and schools to remain open in their current form, but it will take a united effort to maintain our current (Level 2) status.”
All county residents are encouraged to access free COVID-19 testing at Water World if they have symptoms or have come into contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive. In addition to testing, residents and businesses should remain vigilant by wearing facial coverings and exercising proper social distancing measures. This also means avoiding unnecessary indoor gatherings – even with family and friends.
“We have been told by the State that if we don’t reverse these alarming trends, we are at risk of further restrictions,” said County Manager Raymond Gonzales. “After six months of dealing with COVID-19, we all know there is no magic button to push. We all have to play our part to reign in these discouraging trends in positivity.”
The county’s mitigation strategy will be submitted to CDPHD on Tuesday, Oct. 13, and calls for county officials to work together with CDPHE to monitor case numbers, positivity rates, and hospitalizations to ensure hospital capacity and critical systems are not overwhelmed.
For additional COVID-19 information and resources, visit the Adams County COVID-19 website, Tri-County Health Department website, or the Colorado Department of Health website.